The Club’s Summer Programs provide a safe and affordable option for youth ages 7-18* to spend their weekdays while parents are at work. Our programs get kids engaged in vibrant learning and age-appropriate activities. Programs are led by supportive adult mentors, who make the Club fun. Summer at the Club allows kids to meet new friends, forge lasting friendships, and experience new things through our field trips. We do whatever it takes to ensure kids and teens have a memorable summer and feel prepared for the upcoming school year.
* (Child must be in 2nd grade to attend. Contact your Club for specific ages served.)
The Club will provide programming from June to August ( Contact your Club for specific dates) Monday-Friday from 7:30 am-6:00 pm. The program is $60 per week or purchase a $40 punch card for those attending 1-3 days per week; the card expires weekly. Free and Reduced rates are available upon request.
- Fun, educational, and enriching programs to curb learning loss.
- Develop new friendships.
- Sports, STEAM, Music, Arts activities & More!
- Explore the outdoors on various field trips.
- Meals & Snacks included.
Must be a Member before applying for Summer Programming